Prepare your apps to PHP7, which is soon to become the “current” version. One of the problems might be the usage of preg_replace() function with “/e” modifiers. You might get this error message: Deprecated function: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is
mysqld Option/Variable Reference
This table that lists every MySQL Server option or variable, what version it was introduced or deprecated in, whether it’s dynamic or not, whether variables have session/global/both scope, and links to the version-specific documentation for that variable. Name Intr Depr
CodeIgniter: get IP address and user agent
If you need to collect visitor’s IP address or browser information you can easily do that using CodeIgniter “user_agent” library. The User Agent Class provides functions that help identify information about the browser, mobile device, or robot visiting your site. In addition you
MVC: model – view – controller
Model–View–Controller (MVC) is an architecture that separates the representation of information from the user’s interaction with it. The model consists of application data and business rules, and the controller mediates input, converting it to commands for the model or view.
Getting Started With CodeIgniter
If you are familiar with php, a good practice is to use a php framework to build your applications. One choice is CodeIgniter. CodeIgniter is based on the Model-View-Controller development pattern. MVC is a software approach that separates application logic