The Heltec WiFi 32 board from Heltec has an onboard LED, connected to PIN25 / GPIO25. To “blink” this led, for signaling status or just for fun set PIN 25 to LOW or HIGH. from machine import Pin from
Onboard LED blink – WiFi LoRa ESP32 (heltec)

The Heltec WiFi 32 board from Heltec has an onboard LED, connected to PIN25 / GPIO25. To “blink” this led, for signaling status or just for fun set PIN 25 to LOW or HIGH. from machine import Pin from
The Heltec ESP32 board has a lot of memory and processing power (see below the console from tasmota flasher). Just for the fun sake and maybe an usefull one beside experimenting, I will give a chance to micropython. The only
Heltec WiFi LoRa ESP32 – pinout diagram Follow the manufacturer site if you are looking for another version. The original PDF pinout diagram can be downloaded from WIFI_LoRa_32_V2 or download the JPG pinout diagram file in high resolution
Product Features Where to buy: ESP32 Lastest ESP32 Version: REV1 WIFI Bluetooth 8MB PSRAM 4MB Flash 3D Antenna LORA Product Description Working voltage: 1.8~3.7v Acceptable current:10~14mA Transmit current: 120mA@+20dBm
Sending data over LoRa with Heltec ESP32 WifiKit. Having two ESp32 boards, the first test that come in mind is to send some packets!
Programming in Arduino IDE an HELTEC ESP32 lora wifi kit (v2) is the same as any other ESP board. Install Arduino IDE and then set the board in “Boards Manager”. In the “Preferences” window of the ArduinoIDE enter into Additional