The Heltec WiFi 32 board from Heltec has an onboard LED, connected to PIN25 / GPIO25. To “blink” this led, for signaling status or just for fun set PIN 25 to LOW or HIGH. from machine import Pin from
Heltec ESP32 display text in micropython
The Heltec ESP32 board has a lot of memory and processing power (see below the console from tasmota flasher). Just for the fun sake and maybe an usefull one beside experimenting, I will give a chance to micropython. The only
ESP32 LoRa Heltec v2 with display – pinout diagram
Heltec WiFi LoRa ESP32 – pinout diagram Follow the manufacturer site if you are looking for another version. The original PDF pinout diagram can be downloaded from WIFI_LoRa_32_V2 or download the JPG pinout diagram file in high resolution
MicroPython on ESP8266
MicroPython is a great way to get the most of your ESP8266 board, and, the ESP8266 chip is a great platform for using MicroPython! This article is for accomodated users with the board, and also can be a quick guide
micro:bit internal temperature sensor
Micro:bit has an internal temparature sensor, in fact, the nRF51 application processor has an on board core temperature sensor. This is exposed via the standard runtime software, and provides an estimate of ambient temperature. It is not a highly accurate