When you connect the WeMOS D1 mini board for the first time on your Windows computer through a USB cable, it might be the case to install a USB-to-SERIAL driver.
The board has a USB-to-SERIAL converter (CH340 chip).
The driver is available for download here.
Install the driver
To make sure that is ok, check the “Device Manager” to see if your port is available and note the port number (in my case, COM6)
In Arduino IDE make sure to select the proper COM port
If you can compile and upload an empty sketch, you’re ready for IoT!
ESP8266 – WeMOS D1 mini – ch340
I’ve tried downloading the driver several times and installing it several times. Each time it reports a successful installation. However, when I plug my Wemos d1 mini into the usb port, WINDOWS does not recognize it and, hence, does not give me a com port. I’m at whit’s end here. Can you recommend anything? I’ve downloaded the driver from the Wemos site, which is particularly unhelpful and from several other sites including the “official” CH340 driver site 9in Chinese with no translation option). They are essentially the same package which does not work for me even though it says it does.
for me that problem was solved by moving the 64bit install to the main folder and installing that one, and putting the baudrate at 115200
Cand you send me a link to the product or a picture of your D1 mini? Maybe has another usb to serial chipset or something is broken.
Can you try also to install the drive on other computer?
Try a different cable! Use one that doesn’t look super cheap.
Stupidly, some vendors provide USB cables intended for powerbank or bluetooth device charging only where only 2 cables are connected (grd and +5v). Like this one can try forever to communicate! Today I just ran into such problem for the 2nd time in 2 years… Oh no! I hope next year I’ll find my own solution! Ha!
Thank you for your suggestion!
Saved my day. Thanks man.
Hello i have recently purchased a d1 mini esp8266 unit and have a cable which connects it to my computer i also have the driver downloaded and arduino ide. after running the driver setup and installing the port does not show up nor does it on device manager. could anyone help me with this and thank you.