The BBC micro:bit is a handheld, programmable micro-computer that can be used for all sorts of cool creations, from robots to musical instruments – the possibilities are endless.
It can be coded from any web browser in Blocks, Javascript, Python, Scratch and more; no software required.
This is how the micro:bit is presenting this little hardware packed with a lot of fun… and a lot of IOT goodies: LEDs, general purpose I/O pins, accelerometer, motion sensor, temperature sensor, buttons, bluetooth and low level radio communication.
The key features:
- LED display 5×5
- KL36 ARM processor that implements the USB protocol
- A combined 3 axes accelerometer and magnetometer – used as compass or as a magnetic field detector
- Power supply: the power can be provided by 3 sources – the USB, the battery connector or the 3V on the edge connector
- EDGE Connector: provides digital, analog, touch, pwm and serial communication
The micro:bit comes in the box with a USB cable and a case for 2 AAA batteries.
Choose your flavor and customize it in many ways:
Transparent Clear Acrylic Case Box Shell Enclosure Housing for BBC Micro:bit microbit FZ3143+FZ3241