Eh, everybody might heard of the “rock scissors paper” game: it is a hand game, usually played between two people, in which each player simultaneously forms one of three shapes with an outstretched hand. These shapes are “rock” (a closed fist),
micro:bit internal temperature sensor
Micro:bit has an internal temparature sensor, in fact, the nRF51 application processor has an on board core temperature sensor. This is exposed via the standard runtime software, and provides an estimate of ambient temperature. It is not a highly accurate
micro:bit – learning with a bit of fun!
The BBC micro:bit is a handheld, programmable micro-computer that can be used for all sorts of cool creations, from robots to musical instruments – the possibilities are endless. It can be coded from any web browser in Blocks, Javascript, Python,
ESP8266: DHT22 temperature sensor
Temperature and humidity reading from RHT03 (also known as DHT22) using ESP8266 WeMos D1 mini board. As many other examples available on the internet, it was inevitably to post myself a temperature and humidity reading application. The values from sensors are
ESP8266 Wemos D1 mini PRO v1 – CP2104 USB driver
The version 1.1 of Wemos D1 mini PRO board has CP2104 as USB to UART bridge. To get started with this board and/or first stepts for using Arduino IDE, follow the link on wemos or search on google on that, plenty
AVR Programmer: AtTiny45, AtTiny85
Programming an Atmel AVR (AtTiny45 or AtTiny85 ) microcontroller can be achieved using a custom programmer or you can use an existing one. In my case, I have a Sparkfun Tiny AVR Programmer
ESP8266 D1 mini PRO extenal antenna
ESP8266 Wemos D1 mini PRO board has an external antenna connector, besides the internal antena. The external antenna is not enabled. To do this, you must move the zero value resistor R16. Notice the position were it should be the
Wemos D1 mini Pro
D1 mini Pro is a wifi board with 16MB flash, external antenna connector and built-in ceramic antenna based on ESP-8266EX Features: 11 digital input/output pins Interrupt/pwm/I2C/one-wire 1 analog input(3.2V max input) 16M bytes(128M bit) Flash External antenna connector Built-in ceramic
OneWire DS18B20 temperature sensor
In this article we will discover the temperature OneWire DS18B20 temperature sensor, available also in a waterproof version. The DS18B20 is a so called 1-wire digital temperature sensor. “1-wire” make this sensor really cool and you can connect multiple devices together, utilizing only
Move applications to PHP7
Prepare your apps to PHP7, which is soon to become the “current” version. One of the problems might be the usage of preg_replace() function with “/e” modifiers. You might get this error message: Deprecated function: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is